
«The work with Ms. König: professional, warm-hearted, solution-oriented. She has a remarkable ability to get to the heart of the matter with her empathetic approach every single time. I always feel completely understood, excellently supported, and leave the coaching sessions with a positive feeling. For me, it’s always inspiring and extremely productive. Highly recommended.»

Dr. Sabine M., Bozen

«Through coaching with Katharina König, I was finally able to develop a vision for my professional future. The impact of the coaching was twofold: firstly, because I expressed thoughts that had previously only vaguely circled in my mind, and secondly, because Ms. König was able to articulate them so precisely that it suddenly became clear what is and what could be. She helped me separate overlapping issues and view them side by side. As a result, the tangle was unraveled. Once the overall situation was clear, I could start to generate ideas for the next steps.»

Marie-Louise Y., München

«Deeply engaging, motivating, and absolutely encouraging – a lasting experience and valuable support in clarifying one’s own ideas and acting on them!»

Prof. Dr. Markus K., Berlin

«Coaching sessions with Katharina are affirming – in every way. Both toward life and oneself. After sessions with Katharina, I feel alive, moving forward with more clarity, strength, and courage. And above all, with the feeling of being right and prepared for the next important steps in my life that bring me closer to my most joyful version.

So if you are looking for a coach/a person who can support you in finding more clarity for yourself, your essence and your very own path, I can only warmly recommend Katharina!»

Nina W., Köln

«From the very first session, Ms. König was able to transfer energy from dead ends to new paths. Through her perspective-shifting questions, I quickly found myself able to work creatively on my development. In the professional, attentive, and high-quality coaching process, Ms. König successfully directed my attention to what I truly want, enabling me to take action. Thank you very much!»

Dr. Christian S., Berlin

«The professional coaching with Katharina König allowed me to meaningfully organize and review my thoughts about my work and life situation. After many years and almost as many drafts of ‘what I could be,’ I now see and understand myself for what I am. As a result of this self-understanding, I am now able to pursue and expand my career path consistently. The sessions with Katharina König left a lasting impression on me, and what was discovered during them continues to shine brightly: The clarity and structure that the work with Ms. König has created continuously shape my decisions and are now an inseparable part of my (self-)awareness.»

Pauline H., Berlin

«A significant step was ahead, but I wasn’t sure where to go. I wanted to get closer to myself, shed fears, conditioning, and unnecessary baggage, and gain clarity on where the journey should continue. I couldn’t see beyond my own perspective. Life coaching was new and unfamiliar to me, but my curiosity was strong, and eventually, through an initial conversation with Ms. König, I gained the confidence that it was worth it. The collaboration was inspiring and extremely enriching. From the first analysis of relevant life aspects to the detailed processing of core issues in my life through various techniques, we made tremendous progress. After each session, changes naturally unfolded in my life as I regained my emotional compass and had my own clear path in sight. Now I possess an individual life manifesto as a guide for all future decisions.»

Alexander G., Berlin

«After an appointment with Ms. König, I feel organized and inspired for new thoughts and ideas.»

Anne W., Berlin

«First, it’s important to identify which of the various areas of life might benefit from a change—even a small one—to lead to greater personal happiness. Katharina König guided me with her committed, intuitively correct questions and follow-ups to my own answers, answers that came entirely from within myself but were often buried under the expectations of others, my own thoughts, and the limitations we often impose on ourselves. Once layer by layer, the core—the truly authentic voice—was found, Katharina König helped break through false thinking patterns and, always empathetically, ignited the courage and confidence to live my own authentic happiness.»

Katharina H., Brüssel

«Coaching with Ms. König has been one of the best experiences of my life. Rarely, perhaps never, have I met someone with whom I could both laugh and cry while developing myself so profoundly. This wonderful, simultaneously professional and friendly atmosphere made it possible to lay everything on the table and sort it out.»

Dr. David H., Berlin

«Relentlessly clear, incredibly enriching, and drawing out as much from me as possible.»

Claudia H., Berlin

«Chaos in my mind! I want to take control of my life again, to act instead of just reacting. This means leaving my comfort zone, breaking up rigid daily, work, and thinking processes, and forging new paths. But where to start?
I had all the essential thoughts and answers—both positive and negative—and the right questions within me, but I couldn’t see them and felt like I was surrounded by dense fog and undergrowth—no chance for orientation, let alone a fresh start.
Coaching with Katharina König helped me untangle the chaos in my head—lovingly and gently, but also uncomfortably honest. Ms. König illuminated thoughts, voiced what I had often successfully ignored, and supported me in assigning questions and answers to the appropriate areas of life and ‘personalities’ within my self. She created space for me to prioritize my various areas and evaluate the quality of life I was living versus the one I desired.
Katharina König’s coaching helped me articulate my priorities and visualize a possible path forward. She gave me the courage to take the first step and believe in myself again.
It’s a great feeling: orientation and … self-confidence!»

Svenja F., Hamburg

«Coaching with Katharina König is like climbing a mountain. And taking a break in the middle of the summit. At the same time. I can’t imagine a better guide to gain a relaxed overview.»

Mona H., Berlin

«I cannot recommend Katharina’s coaching enough. She was able to get me to speak about what may be holding me back in my life and career. In the session, I was able to see my goals and where I need to get to, in a realistic and organised manner.
We talked my motivations and ambitions for my future and how it can be achieved. It was great to be able to speak out loud without any judgement and have direction of what I may need to work on or what I need to aim for. It was great to truly understand your true potential and Katharina helps you do that.»

Yvonne W., London

«The analytical ability of a jurist, the nurturing creativity of a cultural manager, the mindful care of a family woman – these are the qualities that distinguish Ms. König, enabling her to work purposefully, efficiently, and empathetically.
No question about it – whenever needed, I will book this ‘untangling artist’ again!»

Waldemar K., Berlin

«Katharina Koenig’s life coaching is amazing. My sessions with her were not only very insightful, they were also very empowering. I now feel ready to take on the world! Thank you Katharina.»

Andrea Z., Berlin

«I feel uplifted by the coaching sessions with Ms. König! In the work-related coaching conversations and activities, Ms. König guided me with simple yet profound and ultimately deep reflections and exercises that allowed me to break free from old, restrictive thought patterns. Gently guided, I was able to discover my strengths and develop a fresh and confident outlook. The warm atmosphere also contributed to my wholehearted recommendation of Ms. König’s coaching.»

Anke K., Berlin

«I can highly recommend Katharina König as a coach! In a difficult situation, she was able to assist me on very short notice with excellent insights. She is a very empathetic, professional, and trustworthy coach, and I am glad to know that I can turn to her again if I ever lose sight of my path.»

Anna M., Berlin

«Katharina’s presence has been a breath of fresh air since our first meeting. I am so grateful to have come across someone with such strength, grace and courage. I feel safe to let myself be fully seen as I know she is more than capable to support me without feeling any of my weight. I feel so much respect for her and her way of working as a coach. Everytime I leave her office I feel stronger and more aligned with who I really am. It’s a blessing to have the opportunity to know and work with someone of this skill level. I highly, highly recommend allowing her to help you step into your power and change your life for the better.»

Courtney M., Berlin

«The investment paid off fully for me!»

Wina H., Velbert

«Through working with Ms. König, I received many new ideas, helpful answers, and even more helpful follow-up questions that made me rethink and reimagine. The sessions were a great enrichment, bringing clarity and courage. This is exactly what I had hoped for from the coaching.»

Eveline H., Berlin

«Katharina’s style is very effective. In each session we identified specific areas for attention, and I always went away from them with a sense of hope and excitement for the road ahead. She helped me focus on
finding solutions rather than just exploring problems. I went away with not only the answers I was looking for, but also a toolkit for answering further questions myself.»

Daniel P., Berlin

«Precise, attentive, cheerful. I found Ms. König’s impulses on various issues to be very productive in every session. Her methodological approach, combined with her consistently good mood, made it motivating and easy for me to work through my topics.»

Juliane T., Berlin

«You showed me a completely different perspective on my life through coaching, paving the way for a better life 🙂 thank you for that!!!»

Nicole J., Berlin